Terms & Conditions

You agree to engage Dashi Solutions Pty Ltd t/a Precision Cleaning (ABN 96 650 644 410) (“Precision Cleaning”) to provide You with the services set out in the quotation at the specified location (the “Services”) in accordance with the terms and conditions set out below (the “Agreement”). 
This Agreement (the “Term”) begins on the date of receipt of the deposit by Precision Cleaning and will remain in full force and effect until the completion of the Services, subject to earlier termination as provided in this Agreement. The Term may be extended with the consent of the Parties.
Precision Cleaning may revise the Agreement from time to time by posting a revised version on the website. You acknowledge You have read and revised the Agreement in their entirety and You agree to the terms and the Privacy Policy and this Agreement constitutes binding and enforceable obligation on You.
This Agreement will be governed in accordance with the laws of the Australian Capital Territory.


The Parties agree to do everything necessary to ensure that the terms and conditions of this Agreement take effect. 
You agree and acknowledge that weather may affect scheduling. Precision Cleaning will try its best to keep scheduling conflicts to a minimum, however, circumstances that are beyond our control may affect the Service start and completion times. You will be notified by Precision Cleaning of any changes as soon as it is known. 


Precision Cleaning will charge You a fee for the Services as set out in the quotation (the “Total Fee”).
A minimum of 20% deposit of the Total Fee amount (the “Deposit”) is payable by You upon acceptance of the quotation.
Precision Cleaning will invoice You the remaining balance of the Total Fee (i.e. Total Fee minus the Deposit), when the Services are complete. Invoices must be paid by You to Precision Cleaning within 5 business days of receipt of the invoice. Late charges will be immediately assessed on all balances not paid.
You agree to pay any collection cost incurred by Precision Cleaning related to the collection process of any outstanding invoices. 
The Total Fee includes all sales taxes and duties as required by law. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all monetary amounts referred to in this Agreement are in AUD (Australian Dollars).


While Precision Cleaning is on location and performing the Services, You are responsible for keeping all children and pets, as well as other individuals away from the area in which the Services will be performed. 
Children and pets must be kept off the area in which the Services will be performed for at least 2 hours after the Services are completed.

Water Usage

You agree to provide Precision Cleaning the right to use an on-site water supply as needed to complete the Services without compensation. If an exterior water supply is required, it may be at an additional charge to You.
You agree to make sure the water supply is on, accessible and in working order before Precision Cleaning arrives at the location. If an alternate water supply is not available for whatever reason, then You agree and acknowledge that the Services cannot be performed on that day and may need to be rescheduled to another day.   

Electrical Usage

You agree to provide Precision Cleaning the right to use an on-site source of electricity as needed to complete the Services without compensation. 
You agree to make sure the electricity supply is on, accessible and in working order before Precision Cleaning arrives at the location. If an electricity supply is not available for whatever reason, then You agree and acknowledge that the Services cannot be performed on that day and may need to be rescheduled to another day. 

Removal & Replacement of Contents

You agree to remove any deck furniture, planters and any other items that are in on or around the cleaning area prior to the scheduled time to commence the Services.
If Precision Cleaning is required to remove items from the area in which the Services will be performed, Precision Cleaning will not be responsible for any damage, breakage or for storage issues. 
You agree that additional charges may be applied for the time and labour devoted to the removal of these items.


In the event that either Party wishes to terminate this Agreement prior to the completion of the Services, that Party will be required to provide 7 days’ written notice to the other party.
If this Agreement is terminated by You prior to the completion of the Services have been partially performed, Precision Cleaning will be entitled to pro-rated payment of the Total Fee to the date of termination.

Limitation of Liability

You agree the liability of Precision Cleaning under and in connection with this Agreement will not exceed the higher of a. the total amount paid or payable by You under this Agreement; and b. $10,000. 
Precision Cleaning is not responsible for damages or loss relating to:
– loose tiles or mortars that may dislodge in the provision of the Services; 
– faulty or damaged solar panels;
– improperly installed siding panels, loose shingles or siding panels;
– broken, opened or improperly sealed windows and doors;
– wood rot, defective construction, improperly secured wires; 
– loose or improperly installed gutters; and
– conditions relating to fading of surface areas.
You also agree and acknowledge that:
– Watertight – all doors and windows are weathertight. This includes, but is not limited to all electrical services including receptacles and light fixtures. Precision Cleaning expects your property to be in good repair and weathertight and will not be responsible for damages as a result of water infiltration from poor or improper installation, maintenance, or repair of electrical-related items or doors or windows
– Stains – some stains cannot be removed by power washing. Tree sap, artillery fungus, splatters from stains and paints are examples of materials that cannot be removed by conventional means. Precision Cleaning will make every attempt to point these areas out to You when quoting the Services.  
– Colour and Tone – the properties and species of wood age and weather can greatly affect the resulting colour or tone of the stain. Precision Cleaning will make every attempt to represent the final finish colour and tones as best as possible. While Precision Cleaning can often give you an idea of the overall colour or tone You agree and understand that  there may be some variance in the overall finish which may be impacted by variances across individual boards as densities and other characteristics may vary across and throughout the wood.
– Concrete – the appearance of concrete depends on a number of factors most linked to when the concrete was initially poured and cured. When concrete with dirt, mould, mildew, algae and other pollutants and stains are cleaned, the concrete will then reveal any and all imperfections that the pollutants and stains have covered up. You agree and understand that not all concrete will look the same even on the same driveway, patio, sidewalk, or concrete slab.
© Precision Cleaning. All rights reserved.